
African Refugees Become Canadian Permanent Residents

African Refugees Become Canadian Permanent Residents

about Canada
Canadian Visa Professionals could confirm qualified applicants across the globe can use the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot to move to Canada. The mobility scheme is a federal government program that seeks to bridge the gap between displaced people and a labour shortage in Canada. The program has a target of settling at least 2,000 people through this pathway over the next few years. According to Canadian Visa Professionals, about 164 people, comprising 60 applicants and 104 dependents, have been received in Canada as of June 30, 2023. The people who moved to Canada in this way intend to reside in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, British Columbia, as well as Newfoundland and Labrador. Two African Refugees Became Permanent Residents Two former African refugees, Abdifatah Sabriye and Patricia Kamssor, recently…
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Fifteen Fabulous National Parks in Canada to Visit

Fifteen Fabulous National Parks in Canada to Visit

According to Canadian Visa Professionals, Canada is a land of opportunities and tourist attractions. Below is a list of fifteen fabulous parks in Canada to visit.1. Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland and Labrador: this park has an unusual landscape. It is a must-visit park for tourists who love nature.2. Wood Buffalo National Park – Alberta and Northwest Territories: the park offers wildlife sightings and features the world's largest herd of wood bison.3. Tornngat Mountains National Park: the park features jagged peaks, waterfalls, icebergs and wildlife.4. Grasslands National Park – Saskatchewan: this park is best known for its stargazing and dinosaur fossils.5. Banff National Park – Alberta: is the most famous Canadian national park. It is a great sight for lovers of beauty. 6. Bruce Peninsula National Park – Ontario:…
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Over One Million New Jobs Forecast for British Columbia by 2027

Over One Million New Jobs Forecast for British Columbia by 2027

Canadian Visa Professionals could ascertain that job openings are abundant in British Columbia (B.C.), Canada. It is a good time to move to B.C., because British Columbia anticipates more than a million jobs in the province by 2027.According to Queenie Choo, the C.E.O. of S.U.C.C.E.S.S., a social services organization that helps new immigrants settle in B.C., there are numerous opportunities in the province.In her words:"The labour market is very hot right now, and individuals with the right skill set and qualifications will be able to get befitting employment in British Columbia.""Anyone that moves to the province at this time is here at a good time as many jobs are vacant. The province needs professionals to fill these vacancies to meet the labour crunch in B.C."According to Canadian Visa Professionals, the…
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Ontario Has 20,000 Construction Job Vacancies

Ontario Has 20,000 Construction Job Vacancies

Canada is experiencing a major labour shortage. According to Canadian Visa Professionals, there are about 20,000 construction job vacancies alone in Ontario.Tens of thousands of job openings are currently unfilled across Canada. It is a testing time for Canada's construction industry, because many active construction workers will retire in the next few years.  Canadian Visa Professionals says that labourers, bricklayers, cement finishers, tilers, and trimmers are required for many of the job openings in the construction industry. Some of the sectors affected include residential and high-rise construction.In the next ten years, roughly 20 per cent of Canada's construction workers will retire, creating more labour shortages.Therefore, Canada will have to bring in more people to build these projects to keep construction projects moving forward.In the words of Monte McNaughton, the Ontario Labour…
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Seventy Immigrants Granted Canadian Citizenship in Winnipeg

Seventy Immigrants Granted Canadian Citizenship in Winnipeg

Canadian Visa Professionals could confirm that around 70 immigrants were sworn in as Canadian citizens during the Canada Day ceremony in Winnipeg. The new Canadians took the oath of citizenship recently with excitement and happiness. The ceremony featured entertainment, face painting, bouncy castles, beer gardens and food trucks. It was a full-day celebration for all the new Canadian citizens and well-wishers. Canadian Visa Professionals shares in the new citizens' joy as some express themselves. Bian Mahiar, who took the oath with her five-year-old son, Biruk, said becoming a Canadian citizen is an unforgettable experience. "I am grateful to be a citizen of Canada. Canada is a free country with a free press. I am excited and happy to take the citizenship oath today along with my son. For an immigrant…
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Record-Breaking Achievement: Canada’s Population Surges to 40 Million Residents

Record-Breaking Achievement: Canada’s Population Surges to 40 Million Residents

Canada's population has achieved a historic milestone by reaching an unprecedented count of 40 million residents, as confirmed by Canadian Visa Professionals. This remarkable surge can be attributed to the consistent influx of over 400,000 new immigrants annually into the country.Between January and December 2022 alone, approximately 1.1 million individuals arrived in Canada as either permanent or temporary immigrants, marking the inaugural instance of a million-plus surge within a year.   Canadian Visa Professionals The recent report from Statistics Canada's shows that a staggering 95.9 percent of the populace's growth over the past year was attributable to international migration. Moreover, the report posits a conceivable projection: if the current immigration rates are upheld, Canada's populace could burgeon to 50 million within two decades.The ramifications of a growing populace on Canada's economic…
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Historic Event as 12-Year-Old Graduates from University in Canada

Historic Event as 12-Year-Old Graduates from University in Canada

According to Canadian Visa Professionals, Canada just witnessed another historic moment as a 12-year-old girl graduated from a University in Canada.Anthaea-Grace Patricia Dennis is a history-maker—a 12-year-old graduate who just accepted her biomedical science degree a few weeks ago.An expert from Canadian Visa Professionals says Patricia is the youngest Canadian graduate in the history of university education in Canada. Patricia Dennis recently walked across the University of Ottawa stage to receive her bachelor’s degree in biomedical science.  More Details on Patricia Dennis Canadian Visa Professionals The Ottawa girl is indeed a prodigy that has made not only herself proud but all of her family and friends proud as well.Patricia Dennis started her program at nine years of age when most of her peers were enjoying recess, playing games, and chatting.When asked…
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Most Canadians Think 4-Day Work Week Is a Possibility

Most Canadians Think 4-Day Work Week Is a Possibility

about Canada
Canadian Visa Professionals could establish that most Canadians think a 4-day work week is a possibility they would like to explore. According to this new study conducted by, a recruiting platform in Canada, about 93 percent of interviewed workers are interested in the four-day workweek model.  Canadian Visa Professionals If the recruiting agency interviewed 10 Canadian workers, about nine were interested in a four-day workweek.The survey also proves that many Canadians would rather put the 4-day workweek concept in their top three professional benefits above insurance and flexible work hours.   Work efficiency in the current 5-day workweek model Canadian Visa Professionals reports that, according to some workers, the 5-day work week makes them less productive. At least one in four admitted that their productivity declines across the work week. They…
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Survey: Half of the Canadian Firms will Increase their Pay Budgets During 2023

Survey: Half of the Canadian Firms will Increase their Pay Budgets During 2023

A survey by Normandin Beaudry revealed that two-fifths of 440 employers had set apart an average of 1.2% in additional funds for salary raises. Some of the reasons for these respondents' actions are market adjustments and the need to retain a critical role. Another reason is the need to retain workers at risk of leaving.The respondents also said they're anticipating an average budget raise of 4.7% to allow for salary raises in 2023. Locations anticipating the highest budget increases are Quebec and Ontario. Canadian Visa Professionals added private businesses and nonprofit organizations are anticipating the highest budget raises.Ultimately, companies continue to invest in salary increase budgets in spite of the volatile economic condition. Darcy Clark, senior principal for compensation at Normandin Beaudry, said they are doing this to adjust to…
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Immigrants Push Nova Scotia’s Population Past One Million

Immigrants Push Nova Scotia’s Population Past One Million

about Canada
In spite of COVID-19, Nova Scotia has been having record numbers of immigrants. As a result, support organizations in the province have increased their capacity to meet demand. About 9,020 Canadian permanent residents arrived in Nova Scotia in 2021. This record exceeded the record in 2019, which was 7,580. This report shows that the rate of Canadian immigration has been on the rise in Nova Scotia despite the pandemic.In recent times, Nova Scotia's population has exceeded one million. This first-time record is due to the booming immigration and inter-provincial migration in the region. Canadian Visa Professionals suggested that newcomers should consider moving to the province. This is because Nova Scotia greatly supports immigrants. "This report shows that the rate of Canadian immigration has been on the rise in Nova Scotia despite…
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